Casino Technology brings new dimension of experience at the ICE Totally Gaming in London. Following the winning concept of providing omni channel delivery, the company has prepared to showcase new wave slot machines, embracing the COMBO™ concept of landbased and online gaming at one place, premium and classic slots, exceptional brand new multigames and systems that enable the process of synergy and empowering the seamless multichannel gaming solution. Rossi McKee, Vice President of Casino Technology explains: “The Company will present its proven premium products as well as NEW WAVE products. Casino Technology has developed new series of slot machines and multigame sets with premier release at ICE”. The NEW WAVE product line is presented by the first model at the spolightlight - EZ MODULO™ with contemporary modular design. Besides the modern look it also utilizes the newest platform of Casino Technology – ARMSTRONG™, which drives all the 4 monitors and is offered with the FULL HD multigame pack – The SPEED KING™ with 60 games that meets the expectation for exciting play both for operators and clients. The new TOWER™ slant top is complemented with the COMBO™ concept, allowing simultaneous playing the standard casino standalone games on the main screen and the online games on a secondary screenand. The TOWER™ upright is with a 32” vertical touch screen. The two cabinets are presented with the new multigame line TOWER™ 101, offering 40 games. |
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In the context of omni channel gaming delivery, Casino Technology presents the patented BIG 5™ solution. It is the backbone of the delivery of omni-channel experience. As of begining of 2016 through the remote game server ELEPHANT ™, part of the BIG 5 suite, Casino Technology has launched more than 80 HTML5 gaming titles with improved mobile user interface.
Rossi McKee, Vice President of Casno Technology says: “The Casino Management System RHINO™ was successfully installed in several countries in Eastern Europe and became amongst the preferred systems in Georgia, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Serbia with very good management feedback. As a backbone for a seamless landbased to online environment it is tracing the path to the future of omni-channel environment our main vision, when we created THE BIG 5™ solution”.